About four years ago, I began calling Dojos in Ventura to see if I could study and train in the martial arts. When I explained my needs, I did not receive any calls back. Just by chance, and my last ray of hope, I called Makoto Dojo. I talked to Sensei Reynosa and he said come to the Dojo and train in Aikido with him.
Sensei has treated me like I am not disabled, but guided me in the possibilities of what I could do in Aikido. I have trained in empty handed technique and the use of the hanjo (half of a short staff). This led me to take a self-defense class through Ventura College, thanks to my friend, George MacDonald who saw the possibility for me. The most valuable training has been the encouragement and support of Sensei Reynosa to make the choice to look beyond myself. I choose to make the right choice in life and help other people make the right choices in their lives.